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268 lines
// This is the header file for the database analysis package
// Robin Abbott, 6/9/91, 16/8/95
// Class for a database
#ifndef DBH // Prevent multiple includes
#define DBH 1
#ifdef _Windows // Windows Specials
#ifndef WINDOWS_H
#include <windows.h>
#ifdef __DLL__ // DLL
#define EXPORT _export
#define FD _export
#else // Bog Standard Windows
#define FD far
#define EXPORT huge
#else // Nope, it's DOS
#define FD far
#define EXPORT
#ifndef FILE // stdio
#include <stdio.h>
// #ifndef streambuf // Stream
// #include <stream.hpp>
// #endif
#ifndef time_t // Time
#include <time.h>
#ifndef strcmp // String
#include <string.h>
#ifndef strncmpl // Different Compilers !
#define strcmpl(a,b) stricmp(a,b)
#define strncmpl(a,b,n) strnicmp(a,b,n)
// The following define is the number of index cluster nodes stored
// in memory for each index. Each cluster uses 550 bytes in memory
// so the default value (20) uses up to 11k for each index. Reduce
// this if using a large number of indexes & running out of memory
// at the expense of speed in adding or modifying records
#define MAXCLUSM 20
// Here are the selection types
enum seltype {FIRST=-100, LAST, NEXT, PREVIOUS}; // Selection types
enum rectype {NOTDEL=0,DEL,ALL,READIND}; // Record Types
enum wrtype {OVER,NEW};
enum dates {USDATE,UKDATE};
// Operator type substitutions
#define OPINT 1 // Operand type integer
#define OPSTR 2 // Operand type string
#define OPDATE 4
#define OPLOG 8
#define MAXFLD 255 // Maximum number of fields
#define NOIND "" // No index for record
// Here are the classes
class EXPORT database
int valid; // Status of database
FILE *dbfp; // file pointer to database
FILE *dbtp; // file pointer to memo file
long nrec; // No. of records
unsigned int reclen; // Length of a record
unsigned int recstart; // Offset of first record
class EXPORT field ** fielda; // Points to 1st field in array of fields
int nfield; // Number of fields in database
int maxfieldl; // Maximum field length in database
int change; // Database has changed flag
char *exwork; // Holds tokenised expression
char *memow; // Points to memo work space, 0 if no memo fields
int memowl; // Memo work space length in blocks of 512
struct index *findex; // Points to 1st index structure
class EXPORT record *firstrec; // Points to 1st record using this database
struct index *getindex(char *name); // Get pointer to index by name
void indsort(FILE *,int,int,int,long,int,void (*progress)(int,long),int order);
void database::buildtree(FILE *fp,int,int,int,long,long &);
char ers[81]; // Reports the error in an expression
dates dateformat; // Date format in use by database
class expval *ex;
database(); // Construct new database
database(char *name,char *index=0); // Construct with file+index
int addindex(char *fname);
int addfield(char *name,int type,
int ln=1,int rdp=0); // Add field to new database
int addfield(class field *fp); // Duplicate field to new database
int buildindex(char *expr,char *fn,void (*progress)(int,long)=0,int order=250);
// Build an index
field *getfield(int n)
{return(fielda[n-1]);} // Return field n, 1<=n<=nfield
field *getfield(char *name); // Get a pointer to a field by name
char *getindkey(char *name); // Get index key
int getindtype(char *name); // Get index type, OPINT or OPSTR
long getnrec(void) {return(nrec);} // Number of records
int getreclen(void) {return(reclen);} // Total record length
int getnfield(void) {return(nfield);} // Number of fields
void getversion(int &j,int &n)
int isvalid(void) {return(valid);} // Return valid flag
void setdateformat(dates f) {dateformat=f;} // Set date format
int subindex(char *iname); // Subtract an index
int verifyindex(char *iname,int depth=1,
void (*progress)(int test,long recnum)=0,
int order=100); // Verify an index
int write(char *name); // Write new database
friend class record; // Let record get at our privates
// Class for a field
class EXPORT field
int number; // Number of this field in the record
char name[11]; // Name of this field
char namecop[11]; // Copy for accessor function
char type; // Type of field
unsigned char len; // Length of field on screen
int rdp; // digits to the right of the dp
int recpos; // Position of field in record
field(int number,char *name,char type,int length,int rdp,
int recpos);
// Functions to get privates
int getnumber(void) {return(number);} // Get number of this field in record
char *getname(void) {strcpy(namecop,name);
return(namecop);} // Get name of field
char gettype(void) {return(type);} // Get type of field
int getlen(void) {return(len);} // Get length of field
int getrdp(void) {return(rdp);} // Get right of dp of field
friend class database; // Let database get at our members
friend class record;
friend class expval;
// Class for a record
class EXPORT record
char *recbuf; // Buffer which holds record
char *recbufo; // Buffer holding unmodified record
char *rbp; // Points to buffer to be used in eval
char *fieldwork; // Buffer holds text of last accessed field
class database *db; // Points to data base owning this record
int delstate; // Holds delete state of record
long rn; // Holds record number in dbf file
index *oi; // Owning index if one exists
struct indpt *curind; // Current index pointer if in use
int indflg; // Flag to show checking an index expression
char lkey[128]; // Last key check expression
int ltype; // Last type of key check expression
int lseltype; // Last select type, OPINT or OPSTR
record *nextind; // Next record using same index as this
record *next; // Next record using this database
record *prev; // Previous record using this database
int doset(char *v,field *fld); // Actually set a field to a string
long getind(long n); // Find record in index file
void killind(); // Kill all indclus records in current record
void delkey(char *o,index *i); // Delete key value from index
void inskey(char *n,index *i); // Insert new key value
void wmemo(int type); // Write a memo when writing a record
record(class database &db,char *indname=0);
void operator=(record &s); // Copy record entirely
int eval(char *expr,void *result,int &rtype); // Evaluate expression
int eval(void *result,int &rtype); // Evaluate prev. expression
int indchk(char *exp,int &rtype); // check an index expression
char *indname(); // Return index name
int seldbf(long n); // Select record in dbf
int select(long n,int type=NOTDEL,int df=0); // Select rec number
int select(int field,int val,long n,
int type=NOTDEL); // Select when fn==val
int select(int field,char *s,long n,
int type=NOTDEL); // Select when field==s
int select(int field,void *s,
int (*comp)(void *,void *),
long n,int type=NOTDEL); // User def sel-> comp()==0
int select(char *expr,long n,
int type=NOTDEL); // Select when expr is true
char *getfield(int n,int tf=1); // Get field by number
char *getfield(char *name,int tf=1); // Get field by name
long getrecnum() {return(rn);} // Current record number
int getdelstate() {return(delstate);} // Delete state of record
void setdelstate(int sval);
int selkey(char *value,int type=NOTDEL,int num=OPSTR); // Select by key
int selkey(double value,int type=NOTDEL);
int selkey(); // Find other records with key
int setfield(char *name,char *value); // Set new value for field
int setfield(char *name,double value);
int setfield(int number,char *value); // Set new value for field
int setfield(int number,double value);
int write(int type=OVER); // Write rec to dbf
friend class expval; // Let expval get at our privates
friend class database; // Let database get at our privates
// Miscellaneous routines
void FD dber(int ern); // Print error
void FD dbfer(int ern); // Print fatal error
time_t FD gettime(char *string); // ANSI time from dbase date
char* FD getdate(time_t time); // dbase date from ANSI time
void FD gnums(char *date,int &d,int &m,int &y); // Date to day,month,year
char* FD ltrim(char *string); // Trim lead spaces
char* FD rtrim(char *string); // Trim trailing spaces
char* FD soundex(char *d,char *s); // Soundex of s to d
int FD strcmpdb(char *s1,char *s2,int len=-1); // dBase compare
char* FD swapdata(char *s,int c='~'); // Swap data in a string
char* FD trim(char *string); // Trim trailing spaces
// The following functions are error checking versions of the standard
// file handling functions
int Fwrite(void *,int,int,FILE*);
int Fread(void *,int,int,FILE*);
int Fgetc(FILE *);
int Fputc(int,FILE *);
int Fseek(FILE *,long,int);
// Global variables
extern int eroff; // error off flag